Honey Hex (Softcover)
A Tabletop Roleplaying Game of Exploration
byEdaureen Muhamad Nor
Do you have what it takes to scout the Honey Hex for Queen and Hive? Take on the role of a Royal Messenger, tasked with delivering a supply of honey from your sovereign to the ruler of a friendly queendom. Along the way, explore this unknown-to-you territory, gathering information and new nectars and pollens for your home. But beware: not every queendom is as easy to navigate as your home realm, and may harbor dangers beyond your imagination...
Honey Hex is a solo game of exploration and optional journaling by Edaureen
Muhamad Nor. While the game as written was designed for a solo player, it is easily
expanded for multiple players working either cooperatively or competitively. It is also
highly replayable, with an optional campaign mode that allows you to expand on your
Messenger's story the more you play.
Based on the flexible, dynamic Carta system by Peach Garden Games, Honey Hex is
a storytelling/board game hybrid that can be played in any setting of the players'
choosing. Whether it be pastoral fantasy, space opera, high magic swords & sorcery, or
Weird Western, the possibilities are limited only by players' imaginations.
Using a standard deck of playing cards plus jokers, a six-sided die and various tokens,
players will create and explore fantastic foreign realms while trying to deliver valuable
cargo -- in the form of action-boosting honeys -- to foster good relations between your
queendoms. Players will determine the supplies they bring with them at the beginning of
each game, in hopes of not needing to break into the Royal Cargo to survive.
Each game can be played in about 30 minutes to 1 hour per player, running longer
depending on the amount of journaling you wish to do.
Honey Hex is a 24+ page game printed on A4-sized paper, illustrated throughout in full
color. All physical copies come with a complimentary pdf. Deck of cards, dice and tokens
are not included.