Welcome to the first News Roundup of 2025. As I write this we're staring down the barrel of a winter storm that is promising to dump a bunch of snow on this tonight and tomorrow; hopefully I'll be able to post this before that hits. Last week's releases were pretty light, so let's take a look and see what they're like this week.
I'd somehow missed Justin Sirois's (of Severed Books) OSR Booster Zine project of Backerkit (in my defense, I'm still getting used to looking for projects on BK), and it's only got a day or so left as of this release. It's written as a general OSR/Mork Borg release, and is a hefty 56-page zine with d20 armor and weapons. As with all of Justin's releases you can expect top-notch production values and a fast turnaround to fulfillment.
Thanks to a reader for pointing out (that's not an email I check much anymore, btw) that there's a Cloud Empress itch jam starting today (the 5th). Apropros for the season, it's a winter jam, so is themed around winter in the setting.
The other Todd has released Of Wood and Wold, a hexcrawl guide for Shadowdark, which introduces rules for hexcrawling as well as creating the locations.
Big Bang is a pretty cool looking scenario designed for a variety of spy/thriller games. It's written to be largely system agnostic, and is set in secret volcanic lair.
Prudence Publishing has released Whitesparrow Village and the Night Blade, an adventure written for Cairn. It's an adventure scenario that revolves around a bandit chief that has been released from prison; is he responsible for the renewed bandit attacks on Whitesparrow Village?
Richard Kelly has released the charming and impressively long Radish Knights, an rpg where you play animate vegetables.
The Tabletop Engineer has released Issue 16 of their Delver zine series. Like of all James's releases, there's a ton of useful, system-agnostic content to be found in here.
Inspired by Mausritter, Halfjinks is a cozy-style game of mischief in the Shire, written by James Spahn.
The talented Gavriel Quiroga has released The Black Rainbow Society, their sequal to Hell Night, a psychedelic journey and adventure. I've been following the development of this on social media, and it looks really sweet.
Against the Hydra is a swampcrawl and dungeon featuring the eponymous hydra. It's written for OSE, and includes printable paper minis.