Welcome to the last news Roundup for January and the first before the start of ZineMonth. I do not think I'll be as active with interviews as I have been in previous years; my day job has been more time consuming than normal, and while I have sent out some interview questions, I haven't really had the spoons to devote more energy to it. I'll be sure to link to projects as they go live, but don't expect to see the same number of interviews as I've done in the past. Sorry!
With that out of the way, let's dive right in to last week's releases.
The Carnivorous Caverns is an adventure for OSE that was released at the beginning of December; it's now available in print on demand from Drivethrurpg.
I typically don't plug products that are older, but it this case I've been asked nicely to mention a couple of older releases that I either missed or have been recently updated. The first is Adam Dreece, who just updated Wondrous and Perilous Treasures for Old School Gaming (I'm linking to Vol. 1, but there is a second volume available). Additionally, Furvik's Destiny is an adventure for the same (compatible with Old School Essentials). It's beefy -- 71 pages -- and is meant to be played over several sessions.
And secondly, James Giltner of Nwyrve Press released Slay and Plunder back in November. It's a new system, broadly compatible with other OSR-style games, but one in which the adventurers play the barbarians come knocking at the games of civilization.
The oft-mentioned Wuggy has released Bloodhoney, an entry in the 2025 Zungeon jam and written for Cairn 2e. It's written as a short, horrific dungeon crawl.
I may have been somewhat misled by the promises of Cow Borg, but Gem Room Games Dukk Borg looks to do what it says on the tin; present a gritty interpretation of the classic Duck Tales cartoon.
In line with above, Demon God of the Duck Men is an adventure written for Shadowdark that's designed to be a short, funny one-shot adventure with plenty of fowl play.
Pestilence at Halith Vorn is an OSRIC adventure written for a party of 4th to 6th level characters. There's a dungeon and hexcrawl region included in the 120 pages.
Orbital Intelligence has released The Terror of the Stratosfiend (there's more to the title, but for brevity's sake), a megadungeon adventure designed to take characters from levels 1-6.
Aqua Regia is an adventure (the first one I've seen, at least by a 3rd party), written for the amazing His Majesty the Worm.
TrueTenno has released 100 New Spells for Into the Odd, which pretty much does what it says on the tin. They've also released Rime Walkers, an adventure based on Slavic mythology and written for OSR games.
Gnarled Monster has released Beyond the Borderlands 3, the third and final zine in their series. This issue includes a constantly shifting megadungeon that changes layout each delve.