Well, today was a busy day for the mailcarrier. In addition to restocking a number of my own products (including premium copies of Into the Wild, Filling in the Blanks, and the Basilisk Hills Hexcrawl) I also got in a huge shipment of used 3rd edition books. It will take me awhile to get these all added to the website, but the overall list of what was shipped is below. If you see something you want send me a message via the Contact page and we can try and work something out before it goes live.
Green Ronin
Cavalier's Handbook
The Shaman's Handbook
Assassin's Handbook
Unholy Warrior's Handbook
Noble's Handbook
Avatar's Handbook
Bow & Blade :Guidebook to Wood Elves
Corwyl: Village of the Wood Elves
Advanced Bestiary
Legions of Hell
Sword & Sorcery
Book of Hallowed Might
Book of Hallowed Might II -- Portents & Visions
Book of Eldritch Might
Book of Eldritch Might II -- Songs and Souls of Power
Book of Eldritch Might III -- The Nexus
Psionic's Toolkit
Queen of Lies
The Giant's Skull
If Thoughts Could Kill
Monte Cook: The Diamond Throne
Monte Cook: Transcendence
Troll Lord Games
Winter Runes
The Winter Dark
The Malady of Kings
Avalanche Press
Ragnarok: Tales of the Norse Gods
Endless Sands: Arabian Adventures
Twilight of Atlantis
I, Mordred: The Fall and Rise of Camelot
Jade and Sand: Roleplaying in Mythic China
Fast Forward Entertainment
Dungeon World main book
Dungeon World -- Catacombs
Dungeon World -- Secrets of the Enemy Capital
Green Races: Monstrous Campaign Setting
Monstrous Wizard's Compendium
Treasure Quests: Tombs of Ra
Encyclopedia of Prestige Classes
Encyclopedia of Demons and Devils
Wondrous Items of Power
Swords of Power
Mongoose Press
Quintessential Rogue
Quintessential Cleric
Quintessential Fighter
Quintessential Wizard
Quintessential Witch
Quintessential Bard
Quintessential Monk
Encyclopedia Arcane: Chaos Magic
Encyclopedia Arcane: Star Magic
Skraag: City of Orcs
Cybernet RPG
Bastion Press
Spells & Magic
Oathbound: Domains of the Forge
Bad Axe Games
Heroes of High Favor: Dwarves
Heroes of High Favor: Halflings
Trailblazer: New Horizons in 3.5 roleplaying
Trailblazer: Teratologue
En Route II: By Land or Sea
Occult Lore
Three Days to Kill -- Penumbra
Battlefield Press
Northern Crown: New World Adventures
Northern Crown: The Gazetteer
Otherworld Creations
Mercenaries: Born of Blood
Forbidden Kingdoms Master Codex: Pulp Adventures
Goodman Games
Rumble in the Wizard's Tower
Against the Iron Giant
Monkey God Enterprises
Song of Storms -- Monkey God Enterprises
Cataclysm on Cloudholme --Monkey God Enterprises
A couple of other random items
A Saturday Night Special -- Frog God Games
Adventurer's Handbook: Genius Guide Vol 1 -- Super Genius Games
Legends & Lairs: Necromantic Lore -- Fantasy Flight
Monster Movie Matinee --- Fat Goblin Games
Sunscale: The Gryphon's Legacy --- Gaslight Press
Sovereign Stone Campaign Sourcebook --- White Silver
Sovereign Stone: The Taan -- Corsair Publishing
Sidewinder: Wild West Adventure --- Citizen Games
Link West: The Ultimate D20 Western RPG -- Link Media
The Black Monks of Glastonbury -- Atlas Games